Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Individual blog reflection - Iris Cheung


During the process of completing the final group project with the morning class Team Dancing, I have learnt how to communicate with different virtual channels, how to enhance team coordination and how to solve conflicts. “Virtual team is a group of individuals who work across time, space and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology” (Wikipedia-virtual team)

Team work is hard to enhance through virtual communication because we may face the combined hurdles of language, culture, and time‐zone difference when we try to complete our work; however, a virtual collaboration works after solving conflicts between two teams by continuous negotiation, communication, dialogue, cooperation, intervention, exchanges and interaction.

Team Practices

Communication method

During completing the group project, my team members and I used three virtual communication methods during the discussions with Team Dancing and they are email, WeChat, video conversation and telephone.  There are advantages and disadvantages by using each communication method.


We used email to communicate with Team Dancing proactively at the beginning and our team sent a greeting email to Team Dancing and we suggested a few virtual communication channels, for example, email, whatsapp, facebook, msn, skype, etc. and we asked for their feedback. (Please refer to the below screen capture of email conversation). We preferred to use email as our first communication channel because we think more contents can be included in email comparing with other communication channels.  However, the main disadvantage of using email as communication channel is people may not have immediate response us other communication channels, such as, Whatsapp and Line.  Team Dancing replied us by email and they preferred to use WeChat as our virtual communication channel.


Although our team prefer using Whatsapp as communication channel because most people in Hong Kong are more familiar with Whatsapp other than WeChat or Line.  We understand people from Mainland are more familiar with WeChat other than other virtual applications.  Therefore, we agreed to use Wechat because our team agreed that Team Dancing may have shorter response time if we use WeChat as our virtual communication channel comparing with email.

 Video Conversation

As the response time from Team Dancing was not ideal, we suggested using video conversation to communicate with them.  Both teams discussed and agreed to gather together with own team members and make a video conversation through WeChat.  However, the video communication was not smooth due to network problem.  Both teams cannot hear from the others.  Therefore, we suggested using telephone call instead.


During the telephone conversation with Team Dancing, we could easily know the ideas from each other more.  Although we were using different language as Team Dancing; our mother language is Cantonese and the mother language of Team Dancing is Mandarin.  Moreover, Team Dancing seemed not quite familiar in oral English.  We tried hard to explain our ideas using Mandarin and sometimes English.  At the same time, we are not familiar in listening to Mandarin and this was a challenge for us to communicate with Team Dancing.  The advantages of using telephone as communication channel are we can get quick response from Team Dancing and we can share more content during the telephone conversation.  However, the main disadvantage is we were not able to record the conversations in black and white, which means we may not remember all contents from the telephone conversation and some contents may be missing after the telephone conversation.


Team Coordination

"Teams are groups of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose and hold themselves mutually accountable for its achievement. Ideally, they develop a distinct identity and work together in a co-ordinated and mutually supportive way to fulfil their goal or purpose. Task effectiveness is the extent to which the team is successful in achieving its task-related objectives. Shared goals are most likely to be achieved through working together and pooling experience and expertise.  Successful teams are characterized by a team spirit based around trust, mutual respect, helpfulness and at best – friendliness." (Effective Teamwork, A Best Practice Guide for the Construction Industry)    Successful team coordination is enhanced by decision making, managing conflicts, sharing knowledge and facilitation of technology.

Decision making by the team

All members in the evening team have a full time job and all of us are busy at work and it was hard for three of us to discuss face to face.  We understand each other’s difficulties which was we only have limited time for discussion and decision making.  We try to make use of our lunch break at work, break time in class and end of class to discuss our ideas.  However, team members from morning class have different background as us because all of them are full time students.  We believe they can have more opportunities to discuss their ideas face to face during school time and have much more time to make decisions comparing with us. 

During the discussions through Wechat, we found it was hard to communicate with Team Dancing due to slow response time by them in WeChat.  Because we had limited time to complete the group project, we wanted to make the decision on which two communities we choose for the group project shortly.  As mentioned before in “Communication method”, the team coordination did not work well in both virtual communication channels - Email and WeChat.  The slow response and sometimes no response by Team Dancing made frustration and discouraged our team because we could not make decision without their agreement.  To solve the problem of slow response, our team suggested using video conversation to make decision with Team Dancing.

Conflicts occurred within the team

Conflict involves awareness by team members of differences of opinion or perspective, incompatible wishes, or irreconcilable desires.  There are three types of team conflicts and they are task conflict, process conflict and relationship or interpersonal conflict.  Moreover, conflicts include personal differences of opinion based on interpersonal issues, informational deficiencies stemming from communication problems, role conflict due to unclear goals and responsibilities and environmental issues relating to uncertainty and/or resource scarcity.  Process conflict, task conflict and role conflict occurred during our team and Team Dancing’s collaboration.

1.      Process conflict
During the discussion, process conflict which is the conflict over how work gets done was occurred.  As mentioned in “Decision making by the team”, the conflict was our team was not familiar on the slow response and sometimes no response from Team Dancing.  As members in Team Dancing are full time students and they should have more opportunities and more time to discuss their ideas face to face.  At the same time, they should have more time to focus on their school assignments comparing with us.  At the beginning of the collaboration with Team Dancing, our team expected to receive prompt response from them.  Knowing that it was hard to receive quick response with communication through email, we agreed using WeChat to communicate with Team Dancing as they requested.  We used change strategy to solve the conflict.  The solution was to change to another virtual communication channel that can let us receive quick response from Team Dancing.  (Please refer to the below WeChat dialog). We chose video conversation to communicate with Team Dancing; however, because of the technical problem of poor network, we changed to use telephone conversation afterwards.  During the telephone conversation with Team Dancing, we shared our own idea and thoughts.  At the same time, we could get immediate response from Team Dancing and we could make decision together easily and effectively.  This turned out to be effective team coordination.


2.      Task Conflict

Task conflict is conflicts over content and goals of the work.  At the beginning of the discussion with Team Dancing, we had different ideas on choosing two communities to collaborate a virtual platform.  Team Dancing thinks the cooperation between animal rights group and luxury institute is more innovate and creative.  However, after understanding their thoughts and ideas, our team thinks there are too many conflicts between the two communities and we think the two communities can use other platform to get the value added instead of using virtual platform.  Our team gave Team Dancing some ideas and thoughts but they did not agreed to our thoughts. (Please refer to the below WeChat dialog).  Team Dancing thinks there are less innovation in our team’s idea on the collaboration between World Peace organization and Religion Organization.  Moreover, they are afraid they could not complete the group project because they are lack with religion knowledge.  We could not have a common view on choosing which two communities to collaborate in the virtual platform.  The solution for solving this conflict is to seek for third party’s feedback and suggestions.  Therefore, I suggested presenting both ideas in class and we make decision after we seek for Frank’s feedback.
3.      Role Conflict

Role conflict is due to unclear goals and responsibilities.  During the discussions through WeChat with Team Dancing, our team thinks they were not clear with the instructions provided by Frank about the group project.

Firstly, they did not realize we can present two ideas in class before we confirm our ideas on choosing which two communities to collaborate in the virtual platform.  They thought we have to present our confirmed ideas in class. (Please refer to the below WeChat dialog)

Secondly, as both morning class and evening class had to present the ideas of choosing which two communities to collaborate in the virtual platform in class, we need the ideas from Team Dancing before the presentation to have a better preparation.  Team Dancing did not provide their ideas to us proactively.  As we wanted to have a better preparation for presenting, we made PowerPoint slides.  To let Team Dancing to have a clearer picture on our ideas, we shared the PowerPoint slides to them.  However, when we send Team Dancing our PowerPoint slides, they seemed like not appreciated.  When we asked for their ideas which can be in any format, they could not provide to us on the spot.  We received their ideas by email in the mid-night before the presentation date and we did not have time to prepare for the presentation because we have to work on that day. (Please refer to the below WeChat dialog)

Thirdly, after Frank gave us more instruction on how to complete the group blog and group presentation, Team Dancing asked our team for general structure / suggestions on the group blog.  After sharing our ideas on the virtual collaboration of World Peace Organization and Religion Organization, Team Dancing suggested to exchange our presentation PowerPoint slides to review each other’s ideas.  As per Frank’s instructions from class, the presentation should be based on our own community’s perspective.  That means the ideas that we had to confirm with each other are the services provided by both communities in the platform and the values for both communities and the society. (Please refer to the below WeChat dialog). The solution for solving role conflict is to get the confirmation from Team Dancing to make sure both of us were clear on the ideas and set deadline when we seek for their feedbacks.

Team Processes
Promises and commitments

At the beginning of the discussion with Team Dancing, both teams did not request each other to make promises and commitments.  During the process of the collaboration with Team Dancing, I found out the importance of making promises and commitments.  Sometimes it is hard to get response from others without promises and commitments.  As mentioned in the “Role Conflict”, Team Dancing did not give us their ideas on cooperation between animal rights group and luxury institute and this made us feel frustrated on lack of time for presentation preparation.  I learnt that setting deadlines and timelines can initiate others to make promises and commitments.  When our team suggested having a video conversation with Team Dancing and setting a deadline for their response, Team Dancing promised to let us know their feedback before the deadline.

Sharing concerns

Sharing concerns is very important for virtual collaboration.  My team members and I encourage each other to share our concerns with Team Dancing.  Our team has shared a few concerns during the discussion with Team Dancing.  The first concern that we shared was the discussion of the idea from Team Dancing of the cooperation between animal rights group and luxury institute.  The second concern was lack of time to complete the group project due to busy full time work.  The third concern was we would like to have a quick response from Team Dancing.

Collaboration of the group

I am happy to work with my members in Team Alive because we understand each other’s concerns and we know each other’s difficulties.  At the same time, we understand the goals and responsibilities during completing the group project.  We are responsible to our own part and we discuss about the contents after we combine our parts.  I think we are working well and we are successful when completing a high quality project.

I am also happy to work with Team Dancing because they have innovative and creative ideas.  However, because of they do not have working experience before, some of their ideas are not realistic and I think sometimes Team Dancing should listen to other’s ideas and opinions and to express their thoughts to enhance successful team collaboration.


Team work is hard to enhance through virtual communication because we may face the combined hurdles of language, culture, and time‐zone difference when we try to complete our work; however, a virtual collaboration works after solving conflicts between two teams by continuous negotiation, communication, dialogue, cooperation, intervention, exchanges and interaction.
To enhance successful team collaboration, it is important to share concerns and make promises and commitments.  At the same time, solving conflicts and making decisions within the team can help enhance a successful virtual team.


1.          http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_collaboration
2.          http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_team
3.          Understanding and Resolving Conflict PowerPoint slides
4.          The Challenges of Working in Virtual Teams, VIRTUAL TEAMS SURVEY REPORT – 2012
5.          Conflict to Collaboration, Harvard Business Review Notice of Use Restrictions, May 2009
6.          Effective Teamwork, A Best Practice Guide for the Construction Industry

Individual blog reflection - Cynthia Tai

It’s the first experience for me to have virtual collaboration by forming a virtual team to work on a group project. In the team, 3 students of our evening class together with 3 students in morning class have been assigned to build a virtual.com. It’s great experience to me and working with virtual teams has helped me stretch professionally, mentally and socially. These opportunities for growth have encouraged me to think about what is important as a learner and leader. Virtual team requires good virtual teammate while successful virtual collaboration requires ongoing negotiations, communications, dialogues, cooperation, trust, interventions, exchanges, sharing, interactions, ground rules. This can make the things happen and possible.

In this virtual communication, the online meeting platforms we used were email, WeChat, phone calls, video calls. As virtual team relay very heavily on communication technologies, the most easy and efficient online tools is used, the most effective of communication can be done in the progress.

In the beginning, we took the first step to touch base with the evening class by sending an email to greet them, introduce ourselves and suggest some communication channels such as email, whatsapp, facebook, msn or skype. That’s what we Made Multiple Offers of Equivalent Value Simultaneously. It’s because we would have more profitable negotiated outcomes and are evaluated more favorably by the other party. We thought these communications channels are the most common and popular online tools in Hong Kong. Finally, they suggested using WeChat as communication tool. Unfortunately, three of us didn’t use WeChat before. As strongly recommended by the morning team, we tried to download it and finally we agreed to use WeChat for instant messenger and e-mail for long conversation. Later, we also used WeChat video phone call for further discussion.


I have spent few months participating in working with virtual teams on this group blog. I have learnt that “two brains are better than one brain”. This allows individuals to pool knowledge and resources, build and expand on each other’s thoughts and work. Engaging in this collaborative effort with virtual team has been a terrific learning experience. After this virtual collaboration, I found that using technology for virtual communication is easier and efficient communications. It is more faster, reliable communication and collaborative tools which allow people to come together to work anywhere and everywhere without face-to-face meeting. It did really save lots of time.

Team work is very common and effective for people work together physically. In this group project, we need to come up an idea of virtual organization. That is to pick up two industries to represent our two teams and to build up a virtual.com by combing our resources and talents. After discussion within our team, we suggest to have Religions Organization collaborating with World Peace Organization. The reason is that it’s a chance to get different religions together for collaboration so that different religions can know each other via this platform. The aim is to publicize the message of World Peace and to spread out “We Love, We Care”. To collaborate with these two organizations is innovative meaningful because both are non-profits organization and one of the common goals is to spread out world peace. Besides, different religions will have different culture, belief and point of views, moral values. There would be lots of interaction and exchanges inside. On the other side, the morning team has another idea. They suggested the IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) and PPR (The Third largest luxury group) work together to advertise animal conversation. After long discussion via e-mail, both groups still could not make agreement with each other since both groups have its stand point and point of views. This is the largest conflict we had during this virtual collaboration since we cannot come up with idea which is satisfied by two groups. Finally, we agreed to present two ideas to our professor and let him comment and see his suggestions. As we had positive comment from the professor on our idea, that's make us more confident to negotiate to choose our ideas for this group project. Eventually, upon the professor's comment, morning team has agreed to use our idea for the group project.

Although this conflict is hard to handle, I can see team conflict can be a source of excellence, quality and creativity. Use the escalation of conflict as an opportunity for coaching. We can learn through the process of resolving the disagreements and disputes.

At the Stage 1, two groups did not agree others idea and caused inconstant condition. At the Stage II, we all perceived and felt that there was conflict between two groups. At the Stage III, action is needed to be taken in order to resolve this conflict. The last Stage IV, the outcomes is the group performance is increased since the deicision is made finally.
Make the process for escalated conflict resolution transparent.
Virtual communication cues seriously inhibiting the ability to manage conflicts, make decisions and express opinions. We faced the combined hurdles of culture, understanding different accents in order to complete the work, difficulty to see the whole picture, difficulty to establish trust, reliance on email, WeChat and telephone. As we never met each other, we couldn’t have time to build relationships physically. Besides, we have different method of the decision making and different leadership styles.


After virtual collaboration, I learn some technical and interactive skills for working in virtual team.

      1.  Establish project objectives and expectations for the team: It is very important to have clear communication of the project objectives, schedules or timeline and all members’ roles and responsibilities. As team members should know and understand what we are doing together, how we work contributes to this group project, what other team members need from them and why. Even though everyone can work independently, it is essential to constantly communicate with each other the team’s objectives.


2.   Set the tone early. At the beginning of the project, it is crucial to let the team members know what is expected of everyone. Status reports, participation in calls, time availability and deliverable schedules are essential parts of managing virtual teams.  

3.  Understand and respect different cultures. Respect is very important within a team because team members may from different religions, different countries, different cultures, different point of views and ideas.  

4.  Choose the right technology to foster communication. The anchor of every virtual team is the technology used to support communication. Online chat, conference calls and instant messengers are ideal for communication tools. Except emails and We Chat, there are also have video phone call and Instant Messenger etc.
5.  Have commitments ground rules. Commitments are very important. Once we set the deadline of the due date, we should make sure that all team members know that and the tasks should be deliverables. 

    6.  Get the team together on occasion and act as a team. Building and continuing team chemistry, gathering the team together can strength personal relationships and working partnerships in both the short and long term. Even though team members may work independently, we are working together for the same objectives. It seems that it is difficult for virtual team to build up closer relationship. We can try to give support to each other by friendly wordings or virtual expressions. 

7.  Communication is essential. Being honest and sharing information is one of the important part in virtual team. Since we cannot see each other, we should share our information, resources and talents as much as we can so that we can work for the same objectives and goals. For example, we committed to give others the powerpoint for presentation and we all did it. Besides, we committed to make video phone call on Sunday morning, we did it as well.


In this group project, I learn that building trust is an important element in a team. For Dennis S. Reina and Michelle L. Reina, principals in an organizational development research and consulting firm and authors of Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace: Building Effective Relationships in Your Organization, the basic issue is the establishment of a solid trusting relationship. Without that, virtual work is impossible. The higher levels of trust between each other, the higher the performance will be. I’m so lucky to have my two teammates. They gave me lots of supports and we always have long discussions on this group projects via email, phone calls, face-to-face meetings, WhatsApp. We are all happy to share our knowledge, information and resources. I ask myself can virtual team have trust to each other? “Another way to build trust is to create predictable and reliable work norms about crucial group functions such as communications within the team. Team members who are responsive to communications, follow through, and take responsibility for results help build task-based trust, which helps enhance the team’s performance.” My answer is yes. Even we cannot see each other, trust can be built by frequent communications, more progress virtual meeting, more comfortable words and tones. Furthermore, video conferencing can also let others see their facial expression so that people can know more each other.


I think we do excellent within our team. The reason is that we have more communications and sharing of knowledge and ideas. For the virtual team, I admitted that we had some conflicts, different culture, ideas, language etc. However, with our team hard work and consideration, we finally learn how to collaborate with virtual team by resolving the conflicts.

I would like to thank my teammates for their hard work and friendly support.  It's very appreciate to work with morning team for this group project and their effort. It’s a great experience for me to work in virtual collaboration and communication. Virtual team requires good virtual teammate while successful virtual collaboration requires ongoing negotiations, communications, dialogues, cooperation, trust, interventions, exchanges, sharing, interactions, ground rules. This can make the things happen and possible.


Managing the virtual world by Colnaz Sadri and Johyn Condia
How to Manage Virtual teams by Frank Siebdrat, Martin Hoegl and Holger Ernst
The Challenges of Working in Virtual Teams, Virtual teams survey report 2012